e xtrem e s port s

(extremely short game with like 3 jokes, could have added more if programming allowed, imma work on my minesweeper roguelike shooter bullet hell rhythm game now)

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(17 total ratings)
Made withPuzzleScript


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good ones

e xit e

G rea t

N icely d one!


a dvance d c hes s

Wow, this was funny

Icely isn't anymore only playing puzzles. He is MAKING the puzzles.

he's been doing that for a while...


I love when there's two or three jokes

thank you (I was hoping to have 4-5, but not enough code time lol)


my favorite sport is icely puzzles brainrot

ohio spaghetti monster from the griddy chess battle advanced fight